Sunday, October 19, 2008


Greetings friends,

(Picture left, Daniel on a tractor at the state fair; below right Cosette and Daniel on his first day of school; Daniel with his Kinder teacher Mrs. Carroll; far below left Cosette and Daniel on his first day of school)

I’ve not written for several weeks. They have been busy weeks. First, and most importantly, Daniel is doing great. He is adjusting well, sleeping through the night, eating almost anything presented and generally enjoying life.

We returned from China on Friday, Sept. 19, and John and Cosette immediately started back to work and school that next Monday. When we took Cosette to school Daniel was very sad. He cried when he realized she wasn’t coming home with us that morning. Then throughout the day he would cry out periodically for her. He really missed his sister. It was sweet and sad at the same time. One day when we picked Cosette up she and Daniel ran off toward our car, hand in hand. It is so special that God has joined their hearts so quickly.

Wednesday, 10 days ago, while dashing to intervene between the kids I pulled something in my calf. I heard a distinct pop and fell to the ground in pain. An ultrasound and MRI later and it seems I completely tore a small muscle in my calf. It is no longer attached at the knee. The surgeon says it will cause more trauma in my knee to reattach the muscle and that other muscles can compensate for the torn muscle so there is not reason to operate. I will be going through a couple months of physical therapy and all should be well. The pain is fairly severe if I put pressure directly on my foot, but if I am careful when I walk or use the crutches I’m able to make it without pain relievers. Like I needed another complication in my life, right?

My pour little guy has been poked, prodded, measured and weighed more then anyone should have to endure. He has patiently endured but not happily. Friday the poor little guy had to have 5 immunizations. The good news is we have confirmed through all these tests that Daniel is very healthy.

Last week Daniel had to have some dental work done. He had a tooth that was about to abscess, it had to be crowned ASAP. Daniel wasn’t allowed to eat breakfast the morning of the procedure. As I thought about the situation; how in the world do I communicate this to him? I can’t feed John and Cosette in front of him. I spent some time praying, I specifically asked the Lord to keep Daniel asleep that morning. That is exactly what happened. Cosette woke up early and she and I had some special one on one time having breakfast together. Then we got ready for our day. Just before leaving I got Daniel up, dressed and out the door. God is so good!

The “happy juice” Daniel was given lowered his defenses. It was amazing! He snuggled with me, kissed me, loved on me and let me do the same; he repeated every word I said IN ENGLISH. I told him he was a silly boy and he would say “Daniel sillay bolay” I would tell

him he was my sweet baby boy and he repeated “mama’s sillay baby bolay.” It was very sweet.

Daniel started kindergarten. He is so excited about school. I think the month home with me was very valuable; we did the right thing keeping him home with me. But I definitely think it’s time for him to go to school. We visited with his teacher last week, and he spent 3 hours in class last Thursday. When we arrived that morning he and Cosette dashed inside the school; he exclaimed “Yeah!” with a high pitched squeal. When I caught up, hobbling on the crutches, he was putting his back pack away and Cosette was helping him get settled into class. I stayed in the room for a while, making sure he was ok. Then I bent down to say goodbye and kissed his cheek. I said “Daniel I love you. I’ll see you at lunch time.” He responded in a nervous little squeal “I love you mama, bye bye.” My sweet boy was a little nervous, but so ready!

We had our first post adoption visit with our social worker last week. That too was quite encouraging. All the professionals we have consulted with are stunned by how well Daniel is doing.

God continues to work.


Lori said...

Thank you so much for the update! Daniel is such a cutey. I am so relieved that he seems to be doing well. What a blessing.

Lori McMurphy
a Dillon Mom
LID 12-11-06

Marianne said...

This is wonderful to read! I'm sorry about your leg -- hope you are in far less pain soon.

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. ~ Psalm 127: 1a

Cosett's 8th Birthday

Kindergarten Graduation

Field Day 2009

A Day at the Farm - Daniel's field trip

Spring 2009

The Wrestling Match

January 2009 pictures

Christmas 2008

Children's Christmas Parade 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Shenyang Arboretum